
fredag den 22. april 2011

Taglines - kommer snart på en filmplakat nær dig!

Så er Bries Blog-O-Rama nået til det foreløbig sidste indslag i serien "Sjov med filmplakater". I dag skal det handle om taglines eller slaglinjer: de slogans af mere eller mindre opfindsom art, som filmselskaberne sætter på plakaterne for at lokke os til at købe billet.

Du kan læse meget mere om taglines i den artikel, jeg har skrevet til Politikens filmtillæg i denne uge:

> Taglines! – kommer snart på en filmplakat nær dig
Brian Iskov i Politiken, 21. april 2011

Som bonusmateriale får du nedenfor en udvidet samling af taglines – nogle mere fantasifulde end andre.

Sidder du og brænder inde med fantastiske eksempler på gode eller gyselige taglines fra de sidste 110 års filmhistorie, så tilføj dem endelig i kommentarfeltet eller på Bries Blog-O-Ramas Facebook-side!

Bonnie & Clyde (1967): They’re young … they’re in love … and they kill people.
The Graduate (1967): This is Benjamin. He’s a little worried about his future.
Jaws (1975): Don’t go in the water.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975): Makes 'Ben Hur' look like an epic.
Star Wars (1977): A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ...
Jaws 2 (1978): Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.
Alien (1979): In space no one can hear you scream.
The Shining (1980): All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
The Thing (1982): Man is the warmest place to hide.
The Fly (1986): Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Apollo 13 (1995): Houston, we have a problem.
Godzilla (1998): Size does matter.
There's Something About Mary (1998): Love is in the hair.
Shaun of the Dead (2004): A romantic comedy. With zombies.
Død snø (2009): Ein Zwei Die!

Jaws the Revenge (1987): This time, it's personal. 
Above the Law (1988): He was a covert agent trained in Vietnam. He has a master 6th degree black belt in Aikido ... and family in the Mafia. He's a cop with an attitude.
Cool as Ice (1991): When a girl has a heart of stone, there's only one way to melt it. Just add Ice.
Clash Of The Titans (2010): Titans Will Clash.

Gone with the Wind (1939): The most magnificent picture ever!
Ben-Hur (1959): The Entertainment Experience of a Lifetime!
Spartacus (1960): More titanic than any story ever told!
Cleopatra (1963): The motion picture the world has been waiting for!

Commando (1985): Somewhere, somehow, someone's going to pay.
Raw Deal (1986): The system gave him a Raw Deal. Nobody gives him a Raw Deal.
The Running Man (1987): It is the year 2017. "The Running Man" is a deadly game no one has ever survived. But … Schwarzenegger has yet to play.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005): The longer you wait, the harder it gets.
Talladega Nights (2006): The story of a man who could only count to #1.
W. (2008): A life misunderestimated.
Crank: High Voltage (2009): He was dead ... But he got better.

(*Prisen for ”Best Copy Line” uddeles ved branchebladet Hollywood Reporters årlige fest, Movie Marketing Key Art Awards)

5 kommentarer:

  1. Her er et par af mine favoritter

    Taxi Driver - "On every street in every city, there's a nobody who dreams of being a somebody."

    Airplane! - "Thank god it's only a motion picture!"

    The Thing: "Man is the warmest place to hide"

    Die Hard: Mega Hard - "On a good day he's a great cop. On a bad day he's the best there is"

    Children of Men - ""The last one to die please turn out the light."

    Shaun of the Dead - "A romantic comedy. With zombies"

  2. @Kim: Sikke fremragende bud. Hvordan kunne jeg dog glemme "The Thing" og "Shaun of the Dead"? Taglinen fra "Die Hard: Mega Hard" kendte jeg ikke, men den sidder da også lige i skabet. Tusind tak!

  3. "Unwittingly, he trained a dolphin to kill the President of the United States"

    film: The Day Of The Dolphin
    af Mike Nichols 1973

  4. Du skal lige se denne imponerende liste! top 66 taglines!
